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Boiler Machine

Boilers are a type of heating equipment that use heat to produce steam. Steam is used in textile manufacturing to provide the heat and moisture needed for printing on fabrics.

Deca Machine

Deca machines are fabric making machines that are used in garment units. They are designed to provide reliable and consistent service performance. Deca machines are available in different models.

Hot Stanter Machine

A hot air stenter machine is a multi-purpose machine used in the textile industry to dry and heat-set fabrics. The machine has heating chambers through which wet fabrics pass under tension. 

J.T Machine

A hot air stenter machine is a multi-purpose machine used in the textile industry to dry and heat-set fabrics. The machine has heating chambers through which wet fabrics pass under tension. 

Jiggar Machine

A jigger machine is a type of dyeing machine that is used to dye, scour, and bleach woven fabrics. The jigger machine is one of the oldest types of dyeing machines and is suitable for small to medium size lots of fabric.

Felt Machine

Felt machines are used to make needle-felted batting from a variety of fibers. The fibers are compacted into the desired quality of felt by passing them through the machine multiple times.

Yarn Weaving Machine

Weaving machines are used to weave yarn into fabric. The basic purpose of a loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. 

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